An auto salvage yard takes used, wrecked, or otherwise unwanted vehicles and sells parts from those vehicles. Different salvage yards can do different things with the vehicles. Many of the salvage yards will strip all of the vehicles' usable parts off of them. The parts can then be refurbished and sold, or even sold as-is. Other parts can also be sold off of the car. Here are some times when you might want to visit a salvage yard.
You are having a hard time finding a part
If you haven't had much luck finding a part for your car, usually this will happen when the car is older, as newer car parts are almost always easy to find, even if you have to go through the dealership to obtain the part.
However, older cars that are more uncommon models can have some parts that you can struggle to find. Don't discount the possibility that the part you are searching for may very well be sitting right in the local salvage yard.
You are looking for random parts
There are a lot of times when someone wants to get their hands on a lot of different car parts. This isn't very easy to do through other means but is easy to do with a visit to your local salvage yard. One example of a time when you may want to get a lot of different parts is when you are putting two vehicles together.
For example, people have created vehicles that are part El Camino and Part Camaro. These conversions are called "El Camaros." When you take on a project like this, you will need parts for both vehicles. Also, a salvage yard can be a good place to go when you are making your own trailer.
There are countless other reasons why people want to get their hands on parts from many different cars at once. To see just how helpful a salvage yard can be for many other reasons, consider that artists often get their scrap pieces here for their metal sculptures, or people may go to the salvage yard to get tires for tire swings. Some may even go to the salvage yard for hub caps for their hub cap collection. Now that you see just how many reasons there can be to go to the salvage yard, you may want to keep it in mind for your future car part needs, as well as for other more unique needs you may have. Visit an auto salvage yard to learn more.